Showpiece 5 Step Program
features custom-tailored
treatments to your lawn.

Spring Visit (Late March - Early April)
The Spring Application consists of a slow release granular fertilizer, and crabgrass preventer. This treatment is designed to prevent crabgrass from invading your lawn and help maintain that green color as we head into summer. Note: Heavily shaded lawn areas will receive a fertilizer that promotes increased thickness and strength, and shade seed as needed.
Late Spring Visit (May/June)
Broadleaf weed controls (liquid) are applied to control Dandelions, Clover, Creeping Charlie, and up to 40 other weeds. Our objective at Showpiece Lawns is to provide our customers with a "weed-free” lawn. Liquid Fertilizer is often added as well to aide in strengthening the plant heading into the hot summer months.

Summer Visit (June/July)
We’ll apply a slow release, dry granular fertilizer with organics that’s designed to maintain good color and increase drought tolerance in your lawn. The product is formulated to avoid any burn potential in hot or extremely dry weather.
Late Summer Visit (August/September)
Broadleaf weed controls (liquid) are applied to rid the lawn of summer weeds, and to maintain a “weed-free” lawn. Insect activity increases at this time of the season, and insect controls are applied as needed.
Fall Visit (September-October)
A heavy rate of dry granular fertilizer high in potassium is applied. The fast release nitrogen also gets taken up by plant quickly and strentghens the plant for the upcoming winter. This treatment will provide extended fall greening, winter hardiness, and provides the “quick green-up” to your lawn in spring.